
What is Fraud Monitoring?

Safeguarding your finances is important to us, 因此,我们很荣幸为您的会员提供无与伦比的信用卡安全保障.

我们采用全天候监控系统,旨在对您的借记卡和信用卡模式进行评分和分析,以确定欺诈活动. 经验丰富的欺诈分析师会注意任何可疑的信用卡活动,如果他们发现你的卡上有潜在的欺诈行为,他们会立即与你联系.

Fraud monitoring FAQs
Q: What is fraud monitoring?


Q: Do I have to enroll to have my card monitored?

A: No. 我们监控科罗拉多信用社所有借记卡和信用卡的欺诈行为. No enrollment is required.

Q: Is there a cost for this service?

A: This is a free service automatically provided to all of our members.

Q: What types of transactions are considered suspicious or fraudulent?

A:该服务监视和分析事务,并对事务进行评级. Based on your normal spending patterns, 如果在你的借记卡或信用卡上检测到可疑交易, we contact you to verify the transaction. 在某些情况下,如果欺诈率很高,交易在购买时被拒绝.

Q: How will I be notified?


1. 如果我们有您的手机号码,如果我们怀疑欺诈,我们会立即给您发短信.  然后,您将有机会确认或拒绝该事务.  If you reject the transaction, or do not respond, 您将收到一个电话来验证交易,以保护您的帐户免受欺诈.
2. If we do not have a mobile phone listed for you, we will call the phone number on the account to verify the transaction.  If there’s no answer, 一名代表留下信息,要求回电核实可疑交易. 

Q: How do we verify we are speaking with the card owner?

A: You’ll be asked a question to verify your identity. 我们可能会要求您验证您的社会安全号码的最后四位数字. 我们还会比较你拨打的电话号码,看它是否与存档的电话号码相匹配.

Q: Can I reply back to the Credit Union instead of the fraud line?

答:为了避免信用卡使用延误或确认潜在的欺诈,请联系欺诈热线. It is available 24 hours a day, 一周七天,可以快速验证交易,并采取适当的行动,如果欺诈发生在您的帐户.


A: Yes. 我们鼓励您监控您的账户,以发现我们可能无法发现的可疑或未经授权的费用.